01/2020 Cary, Zichen, Walker, and Zhili Zhang attended AIAA SciTech meeting at Orlando Fl.
08/2019 Dr. Zhili Zhang was promoted to Professor.
05/2019 Dr. Zhili Zhang attended High-pressure combustion Spectroscopy workshop at DC.
04/2019 Joseph Warner defended his master thesis. Good luck on your future career and come back often.
03/2019 Walker McCord won the NASA Fellowship.
01/2019 Cary and Zhili visited DIII-D, the largest fusion plasma device in US.
01/2019 Cary, Mark and Zhili attended the AIAA SciTech conference at San Diego California. Details can be found in the publication section.

01/2019 New website is online with mobile friendly interface.
11/2018 Our paper of MUSIC imaging technique is featured by OSA spotlight of optics.
11/2018 Mr. Cary Smith presented a poster about Thomson scattering in APS at Portland
11/2018 Mr. Zichen He presented a talk in APS conference.
10/2018 Our work with neutron imaging at ORNL is featured in the news! “Feeling the need for speed, neutrons study fluid flow for hypersonic flight”

09/2018 Dr. Mark Gragston moved to UTSI, Good luck and keep in touch!
08/2018 Dr. Zhili Zhang attended AFOSR review meeting in DC.
08/2018 Mark Gragston defended his Ph.D. dissertation, congratulations Dr. Gragston!
03/2018 Dr. Zhili Zhang gave an invited seminar at Texas A&M.
01/2018 Dr. Zhili Zhang and Mark Gragston attended AIAA SciTech conference at Orlando FL, presenting 5 papers. Mark won the best student paper in the session.
08/2017 Dr. Yue Wu moved to Texas A&M, Good luck and keep in touch!
06/2017 Dr. Jordan Sawyer moved to Kirtland Air Force, Good luck and keep in touch!
06/2017 Cary Smith went to Kirtland Air Force Base for a summer intern.
06/2017 Dr. Zhili Zhang attended AFOSR & ARO combustion review meeting at DC.
05/2017 Dr. Zhili Zhang attended NIH Regional meeting at New Orleans.
01/2017 Dr. Zhili Zhang is promoted to AIAA Associate Fellow.
01/2017 Dr. Zhili Zhang & Mark Gragston attended AIAA SciTech meeting at Grapevine TX, presenting three papers. Atomic oxygen paper won the best paper in the session, and a run-up award in AIAA Walter Lempert Award!
12/2016 Our work is featured at AIAA Annual highlight for see through the wall temperature measurement.
03/2016 Dr. Zhili Zhang gave an invited seminar at Colorado State University, hosted by Dr. Azer Yalin
02/2016 Dr. Zhili Zhang attended NSF Review panels at Washington DC.
01/2016 Dr. Zhili Zhang attended AIAA SciTech meeting at San Diego CA, presenting two presentations about fuel pyrolysis and Radar REMPI.
10/2015 Dr. Zhili Zhang attended Multi-Agency Combustion Review Meeting at Sandia National Laboratory in Livermore CA.
10/2015 Dr. Yue Wu presented our research at Second Ablation Workshop in Tallahoma TN.
09/2015 Yue Wu defended his dissertation, Congratulations Dr. Wu.
06/2015 Liu Su and Zhili Zhang attended AIAA Conference at Dallas TX, presenting one presentation about laser plasma generation in air.
02/2015 Yue Wu won the scholarship from Chinese government as self-financed student studying abroad. Congratulations!
02/2015 Dr. Zhili Zhang gave an invited talk in UTSI – Air Force meeting.
01/2015 Dr. Zhili Zhang participated NSF program review at Washington DC.
01/2015 Dr. Zhili Zhang, Yue Wu, and Jordan Sawyer attended AIAA SciTech conference at Orlando Fl. Yue Wu and Jordan Sawyer gave presentations about their research.
12/2014 Dr. Zhili Zhang and Mr. Jordan Sawyer had an experimental campaign of laser ignition in Wright Patterson AFRL.
10/2014 Dr. Zhili Zhang participated MACCCR (Multi-Agency Coordination Committee for Combustion Research) meeting in NIST Colorado and visited Prof. Azer Yalin at Colorado State University.
08/2014 Mr. Jordan Sawyer finished 12 week internship at Kirtland Air Force Base.
08/2014 Dr. Zhili Zhang passed the tenure review, now as an associate professor.
07/2014 Dr. Zhili Zhang gave an invited talk in Window on Science Workshop in Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
07/2014 Dr. Zhili Zhang spent 8 weeks in Air Force Research Laboratory in Dayton OH. He was a summer faculty fellow, working with Dr. James Gord’s combustion and laser diagnostics group.
06/2014 Dr. Zhili Zhang gave an invited talk in AIAA Aviation Conference in Atalanta GA.
04/2014 Dr. Zhili Zhang gave an invited talk in AFOSR Dynamics Materials and Interactions Workshop.
01/2014 Dr. Zhili Zhang, Yue Wu, and Jordan Sawyer attended AIAA SciTech conference at National Harbor MD. Yue Wu and Jordan Sawyer gave presentations about their research.
07/2013 Dr. Zhili Zhang spent 10 weeks in Air Force Research Laboratory in Dayton OH. He was a summer faculty fellow, working with Dr. James Gord’s combustion and laser diagnostics group.
04/2013 Mr. Jacques Abboud successfully defended his dissertation entitled as “Plasmonics Resonance Enhanced Active Photothermal Effects In Aluminum Nanoenergetics for Propulsion Applications”. Congratulations Dr. Abboud!
04/2013 Popular science magazine: Photonics Spectra figured our research for standoff detection.

04/2013 Mr. Yue Wu won the outstanding graduate student award from the department.
02/2013 Mr. Yue Wu passed Ph. D. dissertation proposal exam. Congratulations on being a Ph. D. candidate.
1/2013 Our group presented 3 papers in AIAA Annual conference at Dallas TX. Mr. Yue Wu presented flame temperature measurements by O2 REMPI, Mr. Jordan Sawyer presented recent modeling results of microwave scattering from air plasma, and Dr. Zhili Zhang presented singlet molecular oxygen measurements by Radar REMPI.
12/2012 AIAA Aerospace America features our joint research with Air Force Research Lab about aluminum nanoenergetics.
09/2012 Jordan published his first paper as a leading author, publication #21. Congratulations!
08/2012 Jacques successfully passed the thesis proposal. Congratulations on being a Ph. D. candidate!
07/2012 Zhili Zhang spent 8 weeks in Air Force Research Laboratory in Dayton OH. He was a summer faculty fellow, working with Dr. James Gord’s combustion and laser diagnostics group.
06/2012 Gautamraj Baskaran won the research support from UT undergraduate research office and spent the summer as a undergraduate research assistant.
06/2012 Yue Wu attended AIAA Summer Conference at New Orleans LA. He presented a paper about quantitative measurement of methyl radicals (CH3) in the flame.
04/2012 Our group has hosted 3 visitors from Air Force Research Laboratory. Three sets of experiments have been successfully conducted. Stay tuned for the publications coming out!
03/2012 Andrew Bottom participated the EURÄ“CA undergraduate research exhibition.
01/2012 Jacques Abboud joined the group. He will work on the nanoparticle experiments.
01/2012 The group attended the 50 th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting in Nashville TN. Mr. Yue Wu and Mr. Jordan Sawyer gave a talk about their research.
08/2011 Ms. Sara Haque successfully defended her master thesis. Congratulations Sara!
07/2011 The laboratory hosted three outreach activities from Office of Diversity Program: MITES, INSTEP and Bechtel HITES.
07/2011 Mr. Xinyuan Chong joined the lab, welcome!
07/2011 Mr. Yue Wu published his first journal paper on Chemical Physics Letters, entitled “O2 Rotational Temperature Measurements by Coherent Microwave Scattering from REMPI”. Good work and congratulations.
07/2011 Mr. Charles Chin successfully defended his master thesis, entitled as “: Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance with the use of Silver and Titanium Oxide Nanostructures“, good luck on your future!
05/2011 Mr. Jordan Sawyer got selected for the internship at Air Force Research Laboratory in Dayton Ohio. He will spend 10 weeks working with AFRL scientists. Congratulations.
04/2011 Mr. Yue Wu got selected for the Combustion Summer School at Princeton, Congratulations!
03/2011 The lab is featureed in TN Today for the undergraduate research.
03/2011 Mr. Jordan Sawyer won the graduate school both Shipley-Swann fellowship and J. Wallace & Katie Dean Graduate Fellowship Congratulations!
List of Recipients for the Graduate School Fellowships 2011-2012
03/2011 Mr. Joey Hanna and Andrew Bottom won the Summer Internship from UTK, congratulations and welcome to join the lab for the summer.
01/2011 Mr. Meng Qiu joined the laboratory, welcome!
12/2010 Mr. Miciah Shultz and Mr. Zach Dixon graduated from UT, congratulations and good luck on your future.
10/2010 Two journal papers were accepted for publication this months.
09/2010 Ms. Emily Buckman, Mr. Jordan Sawyer and Mr. Micaiah Shultz joined the lab as undergraduate research assistants, welcome.
08/2010 Mr. Yue Wu joined the laboratory, welcome!
08/2010 Mr. Charles Chin joined the laboratory, welcome!
07/2010 The lab moved from 109A of Science and Engineering Research Facilities to M2 of Dougherty Hall