Dr. Seth Holladay graduated in December

Seth Holladay (Jan 2020 – Dec 2024) graduated with a PhD degree in December 2024. His dissertation is “Development and Implementation of Capability Enhancements for Focused Laser Differential Interferometry”. Congratulations, Dr. Seth Holladay.

He has published the following papers, with more in review.

 Seth Holladay, Zhili Zhang, “Programmable Focused Laser Differential Interferometer with Spatial Light Modulator as Dynamic Diffractive Optical Element”, Optics Letters, Vol. 48, Issue 19, pp. 5001-5004 (2023). DOI: 10.1364/OL.496541.

Seth Holladay, Zhili Zhang, “Linear and 2D Array for Focused Laser Differential Interferometry using a High-Speed Camera”, Optics Communications, Volume 546, 1 November 2023, 129754. DOI: 10.1016/j.optcom.2023.129754

Seth Holladay and Zhili Zhang, “Supersonic and Plasma Flow Characterization by 1D Focused Laser Differential Interferometry“, AIAA 2022-0424, DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-0424

Killian E. Samuels, Aleksander Clark, Walker McCord, Seth Holladay, Zhili Zhang and Damiano Baccarella, “Characterization of a Plasma Jet Flow Using Emission Spectroscopy and Laser-Induced Breakdown Velocimetry“, AIAA 2022-1784, DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-1784